links: - f: yaml href: '' rel: alternate type: application/json title: 'this document in JSON' - href: '' rel: alternate type: text/html title: 'this document in HTML' collections: - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:arrondissement' title: AE-COG-Carto-Arrondissement description: |- Arrondissement de l'édition annuelle (COG) avec géométrie simplifiée. L'arrondissement est une subdivision du département. Depuis le redécoupage cantonal lié aux élections départementales de mars 2015, l’arrondissement n’est plus un regroupement de cantons mais de communes. Il ne faut pas confondre l'Arrondissement, subdivision du département, avec l'Arrondissement_municipal, subdivision de Paris, de Lyon et de Marseille. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.83662922671] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:arrondissement_municipal' title: 'AE-COG-Carto-Arrondissement municipal' description: |- Subdivision territoriale des communes de Lyon, Marseille et Paris de l'édition annuelle (COG) avec géométrie simplifiée. Il ne faut pas confondre l'ARRONDISSEMENT_MUNICIPAL, subdivision de Paris, de Lyon et de Marseille, avec l'ARRONDISSEMENT, subdivision du département. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.83662922671] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:canton' title: AE-COG-Carto-Canton description: |- Canton de l'édition annuelle (COG) avec géométrie simplifiée. Il s'agit de cantons au sens INSEE (appelés également pseudo-cantons) et non les cantons électoraux. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.83662922671] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:chflieu_arrondissement_municipal' title: 'AE-COG-Carto-Chef-lieu d''arrondissement municipal' description: |- Emplacement de la mairie de l’arrondissement municipal de l'édition annuelle (COG) avec géométrie simplifiée. Dans certains cas, le chef-lieu n’est pas dans l’arrondissement municipal. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.83662922671] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:chflieu_commune' title: 'AE-COG-Carto-Chef-lieu de Commune' description: |- Emplacement de la mairie de la commune de l'édition annuelle (COG) avec géométrie simplifiée. Dans certains cas, le chef-lieu n’est pas dans la commune. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.83662922671] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:chflieu_commune_associee_ou_deleguee' title: 'AE-COG-Carto-Chef-lieu de Commune associée ou déléguée' description: |- Emplacement de la mairie de la commune associée ou déléguée de l'édition annuelle (COG) avec géométrie simplifiée.. Dans certains cas, le chef-lieu n’est pas dans l’entité rattachée. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.83662922671] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:collectivite_territoriale' title: 'AE-COG-Carto-Collectivité territoriale' description: 'Concept pas clair. édition annuelle (COG) avec géométrie simplifiée.' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.83662922671] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:commune' title: AE-COG-Carto-Commune description: 'Commune de l''édition annuelle (COG) avec géométrie simplifiée.' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.83662922671] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:commune_associee_ou_deleguee' title: 'AE-COG-Carto-Commune associée ou déleguée' description: 'Commune associée ou déléguée de l''édition annuelle (COG) avec géométrie simplifiée.' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.83662922671] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:departement' title: AE-COG-Carto-Département description: 'Département de l''édition annuelle (COG) avec géométrie simplifiée.' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.83662922671] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:epci' title: AE-COG-Carto-EPCI description: |- Etablissement public de coopération intercommunale (EPCI) à fiscalité propre, édition annuelle (COG) avec géométrie simplifiée. La liste des EPCI s’appuie sur les fichiers publiés par la Direction Générale des Collectivités Locales (DGCL) du Ministère de l’intérieur complétés d’informations recueillies auprès des acteurs locaux (EPCI, préfectures, ...). La loi NOTRe du 7 août 2015 a prévu la mise en œuvre de nouveaux schémas départementaux de coopération intercommunale (SDCI) pour le 1er janvier 2017. À compter de cette date, la géographie des EPCI à fiscalité propre retenue dans ADMIN EXPRESS résulte de cette mise en œuvre à la date du 15 novembre 2016 et ne tient pas compte des évolutions marginales réalisées en dehors des SDCI, notamment dans le cas de la création de certaines communes nouvelles. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.83662922671] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:region' title: AE-COG-Carto-Région description: 'Région de l''édition annuelle (COG) avec géométrie simplifiée.' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.83662922671] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG.LATEST:arrondissement' title: AE-COG-Arrondissement description: |- Arrondissement de l'édition annuelle (COG). L'arrondissement est une subdivision du département. Depuis le redécoupage cantonal lié aux élections départementales de mars 2015, l’arrondissement n’est plus un regroupement de cantons mais de communes. Il ne faut pas confondre l'Arrondissement, subdivision du département, avec l'Arrondissement_municipal, subdivision de Paris, de Lyon et de Marseille. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG.LATEST:arrondissement_municipal' title: 'AE-COG-Arrondissement municipal' description: |- Subdivision territoriale des communes de Lyon, Marseille et Paris de l'édition annuelle (COG). Il ne faut pas confondre l'ARRONDISSEMENT_MUNICIPAL, subdivision de Paris, de Lyon et de Marseille, avec l'ARRONDISSEMENT, subdivision du département. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG.LATEST:canton' title: AE-COG-Canton description: |- Canton de l'édition annuelle (COG). Il s'agit de cantons au sens INSEE (appelés également pseudo-cantons) et non les cantons électoraux. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG.LATEST:chflieu_arrondissement_municipal' title: 'AE-COG-Chef-lieu d''arrondissement municipal' description: |- Emplacement de la mairie de l’arrondissement municipal de l'édition annuelle (COG). Dans certains cas, le chef-lieu n’est pas dans l’arrondissement municipal. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG.LATEST:chflieu_commune' title: 'AE-COG-Chef-lieu de Commune' description: |- Emplacement de la mairie de la commune de l'édition annuelle (COG). Dans certains cas, le chef-lieu n’est pas dans la commune. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG.LATEST:chflieu_commune_associee_ou_deleguee' title: 'AE-COG-Chef-lieu de Commune associée ou déléguée' description: |- Emplacement de la mairie de la commune associée ou déléguée de l'édition annuelle (COG).. Dans certains cas, le chef-lieu n’est pas dans l’entité rattachée. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG.LATEST:collectivite_territoriale' title: 'AE-COG-Collectivité territoriale' description: 'Concept pas clair. édition annuelle (COG).' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG.LATEST:commune' title: AE-COG-Commune description: 'Commune de l''édition annuelle (COG).' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG.LATEST:commune_associee_ou_deleguee' title: 'AE-COG-Commune associée ou déleguée' description: 'Commune associée ou déléguée de l''édition annuelle (COG).' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG.LATEST:departement' title: AE-COG-Département description: 'Département de l''édition annuelle (COG).' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG.LATEST:epci' title: AE-COG-EPCI description: |- Etablissement public de coopération intercommunale (EPCI) à fiscalité propre, édition annuelle (COG). La liste des EPCI s’appuie sur les fichiers publiés par la Direction Générale des Collectivités Locales (DGCL) du Ministère de l’intérieur complétés d’informations recueillies auprès des acteurs locaux (EPCI, préfectures, ...). La loi NOTRe du 7 août 2015 a prévu la mise en œuvre de nouveaux schémas départementaux de coopération intercommunale (SDCI) pour le 1er janvier 2017. À compter de cette date, la géographie des EPCI à fiscalité propre retenue dans ADMIN EXPRESS résulte de cette mise en œuvre à la date du 15 novembre 2016 et ne tient pas compte des évolutions marginales réalisées en dehors des SDCI, notamment dans le cas de la création de certaines communes nouvelles. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'ADMINEXPRESS-COG.LATEST:region' title: AE-COG-Région description: 'Région de l''édition annuelle (COG).' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES_EXPRESS.LATEST:arrondissement' title: AE-Arrondissement description: |- Arrondissement de l'édition mensuelle. L'arrondissement est une subdivision du département. Depuis le redécoupage cantonal lié aux élections départementales de mars 2015, l’arrondissement n’est plus un regroupement de cantons mais de communes. Il ne faut pas confondre l'Arrondissement, subdivision du département, avec l'Arrondissement_municipal, subdivision de Paris, de Lyon et de Marseille. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES_EXPRESS.LATEST:arrondissement_municipal' title: 'AE-Arrondissement municipal' description: |- Subdivision territoriale des communes de Lyon, Marseille et Paris de l'édition mensuelle. Il ne faut pas confondre l'ARRONDISSEMENT_MUNICIPAL, subdivision de Paris, de Lyon et de Marseille, avec l'ARRONDISSEMENT, subdivision du département. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES_EXPRESS.LATEST:canton' title: AE-Canton description: |- Canton de l'édition mensuelle. Il s'agit de cantons au sens INSEE (appelés également pseudo-cantons) et non les cantons électoraux. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES_EXPRESS.LATEST:chflieu_arrondissement_municipal' title: 'AE-Chef-lieu d''arrondissement municipal' description: |- Emplacement de la mairie de l’arrondissement municipal de l'édition mensuelle. Dans certains cas, le chef-lieu n’est pas dans l’arrondissement municipal. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES_EXPRESS.LATEST:chflieu_commune' title: 'AE-Chef-lieu de Commune' description: |- Emplacement de la mairie de la commune de l'édition mensuelle. Dans certains cas, le chef-lieu n’est pas dans la commune. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES_EXPRESS.LATEST:chflieu_commune_associee_ou_deleguee' title: 'AE-Chef-lieu de Commune associée ou déléguée' description: |- Emplacement de la mairie de la commune associée ou déléguée de l'édition mensuelle.. Dans certains cas, le chef-lieu n’est pas dans l’entité rattachée. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES_EXPRESS.LATEST:collectivite_territoriale' title: 'AE-Collectivité territoriale' description: 'Concept pas clair. édition mensuelle.' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES_EXPRESS.LATEST:commune' title: AE-Commune description: 'Commune de l''édition mensuelle.' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES_EXPRESS.LATEST:commune_associee_ou_deleguee' title: 'AE-Commune associée ou déleguée' description: 'Commune associée ou déléguée de l''édition mensuelle.' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES_EXPRESS.LATEST:departement' title: AE-Département description: 'Département de l''édition mensuelle.' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES_EXPRESS.LATEST:epci' title: AE-EPCI description: |- Etablissement public de coopération intercommunale (EPCI) à fiscalité propre, édition mensuelle. La liste des EPCI s’appuie sur les fichiers publiés par la Direction Générale des Collectivités Locales (DGCL) du Ministère de l’intérieur complétés d’informations recueillies auprès des acteurs locaux (EPCI, préfectures, ...). La loi NOTRe du 7 août 2015 a prévu la mise en œuvre de nouveaux schémas départementaux de coopération intercommunale (SDCI) pour le 1er janvier 2017. À compter de cette date, la géographie des EPCI à fiscalité propre retenue dans ADMIN EXPRESS résulte de cette mise en œuvre à la date du 15 novembre 2016 et ne tient pas compte des évolutions marginales réalisées en dehors des SDCI, notamment dans le cas de la création de certaines communes nouvelles. extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' } - id: 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES_EXPRESS.LATEST:region' title: AE-Région description: 'Région de l''édition mensuelle.' extent: spatial: { bbox: [-21.38963076101, -61.809838617769, 51.088989440786, 55.836653874733] } itemType: feature crs: - '' links: - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: application/json, title: 'This document in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: alternate, type: text/html, title: 'This document in Html' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: application/json, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in JSON' } - { href: '', rel: describedBy, type: text/html, title: 'The JSON schema of a Feature of the FeatureCollection in Html' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: application/geo+json, title: 'The items in GeoJSON' } - { href: '', rel: items, type: text/html, title: 'The items in HTML' }